Our members provide food & essential items for the needy in our community.
Located in the parking lot nearest the church offices.
Ashland is a host for "English as a Second Language" special events.
Love Revolution is a neighborhood potluck meal each Sunday at 3:00 PM at Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church. The homeless are invited.
Our members knit & crochet shawls for homebound residents.
Repair and provide bicycles for adults needing help with transportation.
We provide take-home food for needy children via the Snack Pack Program
We provide school supplies in the fall.
We provide money for each child to buy a book at the annual Book Fair.
Area churches provide a central location where community families facing emergencies related to their basic living needs can be served. This ministry provides food, clothing, and financial assistance.
Volunteers work one day each week sorting items and placing them in accessible areas for clients. Volunteers also help by picking up and delivering groceries from retailers.
Ashland United Methodist Church
2600 Ashland Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM